This is my first post of 2019, yes it's October, yes it's been awhile and no, it's not work related. There are often lines drawn between private and work life but I find with Real Estate they tend to blur on a regular basis - for both my clients and myself. Searching or selling a home is emotional, exciting and often stressful at times. To cope and endure we tend to share personal accomplishments and challenges. Experiences that make us who we are today. These things mold us and shape our everyday lives.
Most of my clients and friends are aware why there was a quiet time for me professionally over the last year. I returned to work without skipping a beat after an absence of 6 months and for the first time I am ready to reflect publicly and share why today of all days has inspired me;
October 8th will always stand tall in my memories, a day to remember, a day to never forget. You see on October 8th 2018 my 6.5 month old son was "Listed" - meaning he was entered in a National Database system to wait for a Heart Transplant. He was in Critical Care at SickKids Hospital in Toronto, with his health rapidly declining. Life as we knew it came to a halt.
We had talks with medical staff about what the future was, what our new future meant. We were officially put on a wait list for an apartment at the Ronald McDonald House, our new home in Toronto. You see, when a child is listed for a heart transplant, there is an understanding that you could be waiting for months, even years and you must relocate to the city where the transplant will take place.

It was apparent on this day, October 8th, 2018, that Lucas was not coming home without a new heart.
It was his only option to live.
A second chance at life,
a short-lived life so far.
Don't be sad for us though - We have a Happy Ending. On January 29th 2019 Lucas received his life-saving gift, his new heart. Fittingly this was also our 5th Wedding anniversary and we couldn't have asked for a greater gift - Lucas's Heartiversary shared with our Wedding Anniversary.

Lucas and I went for a walk in the rain this morning. He toddled beside me in his rain boots holding my hand, pointing out leaves and trees to me. After school Adelaide and Lucas held hands wandering down our tree-lined street.
Beautiful. Peaceful. Grateful.
It's shocking and emotional as I reflect on our life just one year ago surrounded by fear and uncertainty. Today I smile, breathe and bask in the happiness and gift of life, family and love.
What a difference a year makes.